Tuesday, September 1, 2009

ROTB's Manly Man of the Month

Welcome to the first installment of an exciting new feature on the ROTB blog: The Manly Man of the Month. Each month I will select one of my favorite manly men from history to be the focus of a series of posts throughout the month. These posts will not appear on any particular days or have a set regularity. Posts will include biographical information, excerpts of their writings, and lessons on manliness taken from their lives. I think this will provide my readers the opportunity to learn more about the historic art of manliness, and to see how much valuable knowledge there is to be gained from great men of the past.

For the month of September, we will be focusing our attention on Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936). Mr Kipling was a prolific English author who had much to write about manliness, and we will have the privilege of gaining a great deal of wisdom from his words. He explores subjects such as the makings of a man, the importance of remembering the providences of God, morality and law, boyhood, reverence for life, and the nobility of women. Through Kipling's eloquent pen and wonderful imagination, we will see concepts relevant to manliness from a wide diversity of perspectives; from the naive eyes of a young sailor, to the ancient wisdom of a sagacious bear.

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