Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Art of Manliness Book

You have probably noticed the links on the right-hand panel to the Art of Manliness website. Nowhere have I seen a better resource for men and boys to learn about manliness. Brett McKay is only 26 years old, but he has incredible insight into what makes a real man. I have learned so much from his website. You will find content on being a husband and father, how to get in shape, how to shave like your grandpa, how to be a gentlemen, the lost art of letter-writing, how to face life's challenges like a man, and so much more, drawing on lessons from great men of the past and present. As someone who is in the ministry of mentoring young men and striving to be a man himself, Brett's website has been both encouraging and challenging. Another great aspect of his website is the community page. It's an online forum where men can share ideas with one another about being men. There are many groups you can join based on interest (Christian Men, Manly Mentors, A Good Boot, Philosophers, etc), as well as discussion threads you can participate in. I would strongly urge all men to follow this website closely. Now, Brett has provided us with an excellent new resource, the Art of Manliness book, which, I can assure you, will be like no other book on manliness ever written. Brett has a brilliant way of melding the practical and the theoretical. So buy the book, get on the website, and be blessed as I have been blessed by the wonderful work he and his wife Kate are doing (as a side note, it is also amazing to see that the two of the work together on everything it takes to run the website; co-authoring posts and even now co-authoring a book). However you decide to benefit from or support what their doing, please pray for them, as they are practicing Mormons. More than anything I want for them, I want Brett and Kate to know the truth, and what being a man is ultimately all about.

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