Thursday, October 8, 2009

Manliness class

This week I launched my first major outreach since entering full-time ministry. I have started hosting two classes for young men on manliness. These classes are meeting at my church on Mondays from 6:30-7:30 pm and on Tuesdays from 3-4 pm. I began advertising the classes early September, using the word-of-mouth of several good friends and by circulating a flyer to several homeschool groups in the area. My Monday class has eight students, which includes my younger cousin and his classmates at Blanchard Public School. My Tuesday class has nine students, all of whom are homeschooled. We began this week by learning about the authority of the Word of God, and the person and work of Jesus Christ. Before we can study manliness, we must have our foundation in the Bible, and a proper understanding of our relationship with our Savior. As we progress, we will study the biblical and historical roles and duties of men, and how boys can use their time to adequately prepare for them. I would appreciate your prayers as I mentor these young men, and I would also ask that you pray for these young men specifically, that they would realize the calling and the vision that God has set before all men and earnestly desire to seek and fulfill it.

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